Youth Presentation Feedback

“Shane’s story was amazing and moving.  He was fantastic.” (16-year-old)

“Shane really inspired me to let go of substances and suicidal thoughts.  I have attempted to take my life twice and I’ve abused alcohol.  After hearing Shane’s story I realized I need to be more honest with myself.  Thank you Shane!”

“Relatable, hip, and understanding rather than one-sided.” (16-year-old)

“He was open and so inspiring.” (15-year-old)

“I liked the way Shane presented it to us.  It made me comfortable talking about it.” (15-year-old)

“I really liked the honesty and authenticity in his presentation.  It completely inspired me to never do any drugs.” (15-year-old)

“I liked how it wasn’t a slide show.  It was real life.” (15-year-old)

“I would like to thank you for sharing your story with us. It meant a lot to me.  It not only opened my eyes to see everything from a different point, but it has also inspired me to help others.” (17-year-old)

“I really liked that the presentation was presented by someone who has been through substance use themselves.  By telling their story, they are almost taking you on the ride with them, which helps you realize just how dangerous substance use really is.  Thank you Shane!”

“Shane was honest, and he didn’t hold back.  He was relatable and really inspirational, and I think people can really learn from his story.” (15-year-old)

“It motivated me.” (14-year-old)

“Very influential and exposed me to things I hadn’t thought about.  This was easily the best drugs/alcohol use presentation I’ve seen and listened to.  Thank you.” (15-year-old)

“I think you are an absolutely amazing inspiring person.  Not everyone can go through what you’ve gone through and say ‘I am better now.’  God bless you.” (17-year-old)

“I liked how he presented the information because he made it interesting, so I wanted to pay attention.”  (14-year-old)

“Shane was bluntly honest and did not try to sugarcoat the realities of substance abuse.” (17-year-old)

“I liked that he was passionate about the topic and able to incorporate humor.” (16-year-old)

“It was personal, so it didn’t feel like another boring presentation.” (15-year-old)

“Authentic, real, and very enjoyable/informative.”  (16-year-old)

“He was a great speaker and he inspired me to understand that you can get through anything.”  (16-year-old)

“Personal and relatable.” (17-year-old)

“It helped me understand some of my own problems better.” (12-year-old)

“Thank you so much for coming to our class. I greatly appreciate your honesty and strength. The power you have to overcome your problem is unbelievable. I am truly impressed by your motivation and willingness to stay clean. I am honored to have heard your story and it will influence me in my life every day. I learned so much from you and you are a great role model.” (17-year-old)

“I want to thank you beyond words for your presentation to our class.  It takes a lot of courage to share a story like yours, or any story for that matter, to a room full of strangers.  But believe me, you touched a lot of hearts.” (17-year-old)

“One of the best presenters I have ever seen.” (14-year-old)

“Shane explained it very well.” (12-year-old)

“It showed me how to respect myself.” (13-year-old)

“An amazing story and an amazing way of telling us the story.  Keep on being healthy!”

“I like that Shane used personal experience to help us understand the concept.” (13-year-old)

“Hearing his own personal story left the biggest impact.” (15-year-old)

“I like how real Shane was with his experience.”  (16-year-old)

“Honest and from the heart.” (14-year-old)

“He had an amazing story.” (11-year-old)

“It gave us reasons not to do drugs and alcohol.” (12-year-old)

“Very engaging and powerful.” (17-year-old)

“Relatable and charismatic.” (14-year-old)

“I liked that Shane had real world experience.” (15-year-old)

“Very inspiring story.” (15-year-old)

“Very insightful, personal, and helpful.” (17-year-old)

“It lets people know they aren’t alone.” (15-year-old)

“He explained the reality, not the glossed-over story.” (15-year-old)

“A life-changing experience.” (16-year-old)

“Everything you said had so much meaning to it.” (15-year-old)

“Very, very powerful.” (14-year-old)

“He was brutally honest with us. In situations talking about these subjects, I believe that is very important.” (17-year-old)

“The logos, ethos, and pathos used was very strong.” (16-year-old)

“His story was true and inspirational.” (14-year-old)

“He was open, confident, and the true story made a better effect.” (15-year-old)

“Very direct and specific. Great presentation.” (15-year-old)

“Honest and straightforward.” (13-year-old)

“I liked the whole presentation.” (16-year-old)

“Shane was completely honest and has been through it.” (14-year-old)

“It was very interesting.” (12-year-old)

“I liked how honest he was and how he had a sense of humor. He kept the presentation interesting and was well spoken.” (13-year-old)

“It was very informative.” (14-year-old)

“He is a great speaker.” (15-year-old)

“Kept my attention.” (13-year-old)

“Provides a good amount of valuable information.” (15 year-old)

“He was a really good speaker.  His own story was convincing.” (13-year-old)

“I liked how some humor was involved in the presentation.” (13-year-old)

“He was very honest and encouraging.  He inspired me very much. There is hope!” (16-year-old)

“Shane seemed very honest which made me more comfortable.” (13-year-old)

“Interesting and educational.” (13-year-old)

“It was real and honest, makes us all reflect.” (15-year-old)

“He was funny and very easy to understand.” (16-year-old)

“It was always interesting and very well said/put together.” (14-year-old)

“Honest. Real.” (16-year-old)

“What I liked most was your informative speaking style.  Most anti-drug advocates preach, telling us what we can and can’t do.  Since you were not the typical judgmental speaker, I was attentive throughout your speech.” (17-year-old)

“Shane was cool.” (16-year-old)

“Your presentation taught me to understand addiction.  I grew up with a father who was an addict, so whenever I get the chance to learn more about addiction it makes me really happy.  You helped me get a little closer to understanding why my dad did the things he did.  I really appreciate you sharing your story with us.” (17-year-old)

“Very real.” (16-year-old)

“Very relatable speaker.” (14-year-old)

“His story was very informative and fascinating.” (15-year-old)

“Very powerful.” (14-year-old)

“The story was very impactful and Shane is a very great speaker.” (16-year-old)

“Shane really wants to help people.” (18-year-old)

“It was honest and from the heart.  From experience begets wisdom.” (18-year-old)


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