Teaching ASIST, Saving Lives

Two days/14 hours later, another amazing ASIST workshop is in the books, and 22 more local individuals are ready, willing, and able to perform suicide interventions and save lives. This was the fifth workshop I’ve …

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Happiness Only Real When Shared

Glad I Could Help

I just had a dad of two 18-year-old twin sons leave my office telling me, “Speaking with you was far more productive than any of the prior conversations I’ve had with anyone while trying to …

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A Change of Plans

This morning I was scheduled to do a pair of 30-minute breakout sessions as part of a multi-faceted community event hosted by the City of Phoenix at a local school. The material I was going …

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Those Kids are in Good Hands

I’ve spoken to dozens of school faculty and staff groups, but the 75 teachers and administrators to whom I presented today were one of the most passionate, caring, engaged, and enthusiastic faculty groups I’ve ever …

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