My Interview on the “Sober Motivation” Podcast

I recently had the honor of sharing my addiction and recovery story on the Sober Motivation Podcast. Being a fan of the show, it was awesome getting to finally have a conversation with Brad. Here’s how he described the episode for his listeners:

In this episode of the podcast, we have Shane, who reflects on a loving childhood that took a dark turn due to severe bullying in middle school, leading him to drink alcohol for the first time, from experimenting with alcohol and drugs in his adolescence to facing severe addiction in his adult years, including an impactful self-intervention and multiple arrests. Shane’s breaking point came in 2011 when he faced serious legal consequences and ultimately found redemption through a faith-based rehabilitation program and the support of his family. Now dedicated to helping others, Shane underscores the importance of community, purpose, and addressing underlying traumas in the journey to recovery.

Note: This podcast is available on both Spotify and Apple, but can also be played in your browser via the plugin below.


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